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How often do you surround yourself with people?

Michael Edmondson

Today is November 10 and the Navigate the Chaos question to consider is “How often do you remind yourself that spending time with people is a necessity of happiness?”

Navigating the chaos absolutely requires self-reflection, introspection and some degree of solitude as they are all important parts of a psychologically healthy life.

Ruth Whippman, author of “America the Anxious: How Our Pursuit of Happiness Is Creating a Nation of Nervous Wrecks,” noted “a wide body of research tells us almost the exact opposite. Academic happiness studies are full of anomalies and contradictions, often revealing more about the agendas and values of those conducting them than the realities of human emotion.

But if there is one point on which virtually every piece of research into the nature and causes of human happiness agrees, it is this: our happiness depends on other people. Study after study shows that good social relationships are the strongest, most consistent predictor there is of a happy life.

This is a finding that cuts across race, age, gender, income and social class so overwhelmingly that it dwarfs any other factor. And according to research, if we want to be happy, we should really be aiming to spend less time alone.

Despite claiming to crave solitude when asked in the abstract, when sampled in the moment, people across the board consistently report themselves as happier when they are around other people than when they are on their own. Surprisingly this effect is not just true for people who consider themselves extroverts but equally strong for introverts as well.

How often do you surround yourself with people to help improve your happiness?

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