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How do you spend your limited time?

Michael Edmondson

Today is October 29 and the Navigate the Chaos question to consider is “How often do you remind yourself that you have a limited amount of time and energy?”

People who navigate the chaos understand how to maximize their energy to make the most out of their limited time.

They are constantly assessing how they use their time and look for ways to become more effective and efficient. Research clearly indicates that those who manage their energy are often more productive.

For example, the social networking company The Draugiem Group used a time-tracking productivity app in 2014 to study what habits set their most productive employees apart. Surprisingly, the top 10% of employees with the highest productivity didn’t put in longer hours than anyone else – often they didn't even work eight-hour days.

Instead, the key to their productivity was that for every 52 minutes of focused work, they took a 17-minute break.

As one author noted “Life is a play of time and energy. You have a certain amount of time and a certain amount of energy. Time passes whether you are busy or lazy, whether you are healthy or sick. For all of us, time is rolling at the same pace. No one can slow it down; no one can hasten it. But your experience of time differs depending on whether you are joyful or miserable. If you are ecstatic, twenty-four hours will seem to pass like a moment. If you are depressed, twenty-four hours will seem like an eon for you.”

How often do you remind yourself that you have a limited amount of time and energy?


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