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How do you react to fear and pain?

Michael Edmondson

Today is September 19 and the Navigate the Chaos question to consider is “How do you react to fear, pain, confusion, or sadness?”

People who navigate the chaos know that these feelings are part of life. To ignore them would be a disservice to your self-awareness, personal growth, and professional development.

Challenge yourself to accept these feelings and work with yourself to process them so that you may learn how you react to each one.

As author Jeff Foster wrote “When there is fear, pain, confusion or sadness moving in you, do not despair or come to conclusions about yourself. Be honoured that these misunderstood guests, at once both ancient and timeless, weary from a lifetime's lonely travel, have finally found their home in you. They are children of consciousness one and all, beloved children of yourself, deserving of the deepest respect and friendship. Offer them the deep rest of yourself, and let them warm their toes by your raging fire.”

How do you react to fear, pain, confusion, or sadness?

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