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Do you wait until the iron is hot to strike it?

Michael Edmondson

Today is September and the Navigate the Chaos question to consider is “Do you wait until the iron is hot to strike it or do you heat it by striking it?”

People who navigate the chaos seldom wait for the iron to get hot.

They go about making the iron hot by continually striking it.

In a 1782 letter from the famous statesman Benjamin Franklin to Reverend Richard Price about using the press to spread ideas, Franklin wrote “The facility with which the same truths may be repeatedly enforced by placing them daily in different lights in newspapers which are every where read, gives a great chance of establishing them. And we now find, that it is not only right to strike while the iron is hot, but that it may be very practicable to heat it by continually striking.”

If you are waiting until you have the right moment, enough money in the bank, or after you graduate ask yourself why?

Why are you waiting for the iron to get hot? What is holding you back from making it hot?

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