Today is September 7 and the Navigate the Chaos question to consider is “Are you adjusting your sails to propel yourself forward?”
Avoiding storms is virtually impossible.
People who grow both personally and professionally understand this and leverage the wind from a storm to propel them forward. Since storms are a natural course of life people who navigate the chaos do not try to avoid them.
They welcome the storm and figure out how best to leverage the wind.
In 1859 the well-known spiritualist Cora L. V. Hatch delivered a lecture at the Cooper Institute and said “You could not prevent a thunderstorm, but you could use the electricity; you could not direct the wind, but you could trim your sail so as to propel your vessel as you pleased, no matter which way the wind blew.”
If you want to navigate the chaos and translate your dreams into reality you will have to adjust your sails to propel yourself forward. Are you?