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Is your job too small for your spirit?

Michael Edmondson

Today is August 29 and the Navigate the Chaos question to consider is “How often do you ask yourself if your job is too small for your spirit?”

People who navigate the chaos understand that professional development is directly linked to personal growth.

When they want to grow as a professional they challenge themselves to grow personally.

One aspect of this self-awareness involves their job. Navigating the chaos requires one to realize that if their job is too small for their spirit, they are to do something about it. They can find another job, start a side job, or pursue a hobby that can help fulfill their spirit. In Working: People Talk About What They Do All Day and How They Feel About What They Do, American author, historian and broadcaster Studs Terkel observed “I think most of us are looking for a calling, not a job. Most of us, like the assembly-line worker, have jobs that are too small for our spirit. Jobs are not big enough for people.”

Studs Terkel was born on May 16, 1912, in New York City. He earned a law degree from the University of Chicago and went into radio with the WPA's Federal Writers Project. Television followed and Terkel created the award-winning Studs Terkel Program, which ran for 35 years. Terkel's books—including Hard Times, Working and The Good War—were oral history compilations comprised of revealing interviews with the common man/woman.

How often do you ask yourself if your job is too small for your spirit?

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