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Do you allow yourself to be a work in progress?

Michael Edmondson

Today is July 27 and today's Navigate the Chaos question to consider is “Do you allow yourself to be a work in progress?

People who navigate the chaos dedicate themselves to continuously developing their knowledge, skills, and experiences in order to stay current. They also understand that length of time at a job does not equate with competence.

Andy Hargadon, head of the entrepreneurship center at the University of California-Davis, says that for many people "twenty years of experience is really one year of experience repeated twenty times." Those who rely solely on their years of experience seldom stay current. To successfully navigate the chaos those with experience must also realize that they are in a state of constant development. Reid Hoffman mentions this in his book The Start-Up of You."

According to Reid "we are all works in progress. Each day presents an opportunity to learn more, do more, be more, grow more in our lives and careers. Keeping your career in permanent beta forces you to acknowledge that you have bugs that there is new development to do on yourself that you will need to adapt and evolve."

How often do you realize that your skill set is in a state of permanent beta in constant need of development?

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