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Are you aware of your vocation?

Michael Edmondson

Today is April 12 and the Navigate the Chaos question to consider is “Are you aware of your vocation?”

Jasper Cipolla from New York City is well aware of his vocation.

The Wall Street Journal published an article about Cipolla who has been a bartender for over 60 years. He serves drinks three nights a week at an Upper East Side Italian restaurant Il Vagabondo and is 83 years old.

According to Cipolla “I think the greatest word is ‘vocation.’ It’s what you have that God gave you to do all through life…mine is being a bartender, being with people.” Although he has found his calling in life Cipolla has had his share of tragedy. He has outlived three of his five children and his wife of more than 50 years, who he said he fell in love with at first sight at the jewelry factory where they both worked. “It’s like being an actor. The show must go on,” Mr. Cipolla said. “I have to work. Everything I have, the love for them, it’s in my heart.”

Cipolla’s story is important for the simple fact that one’s ‘vocation’ or ‘calling’ can be anything at all.

Too often people think that the words ‘vocation’ or ‘calling’ deal with a member of the clergy, or some whitecollar professional such as a doctor or lawyer. The reality is working as a bartender, driving a taxing, or owning a sandwich shop can be a ‘vocation’ or ‘calling.’

Greek philosopher Aristotle noted “Where your talent and the needs of the world cross, there lies your vocation.”

If you have a job just to pay the bills that is also fine. In today's world you have a variety of tools to help you pursue your 'vocation' or 'calling' at nights and on the weekends. The question is will you?

Cipolla was aware of his vocation. Are you?

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