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How long will you wait to change your life?

Michael Edmondson

Today is January 13 and the Navigate the Chaos question to consider is “How long will you wait to change your life?"

Do you find yourself stuck in the same life position for an extended period of time wishing you were in a better situation?

Most people got stuck personally or professionally at some point in their life.

Almost everyone who has ever learned how to navigate the chaos has also needed to determine one or more ways to get unstuck.

Arthur Boorman did.

Arthur Boorman served as a paratrooper and sustained injuries that left him unable to walk without the aid of crutches or canes.

For 15 years physicians told him that he would never walk unassisted again. His fear of never being able to walk unassisted molded him into something he was not accustomed to: a depressed, sad, and overweight person.

Boorman’s weight eventually ballooned over 300 pounds.

One day while surfing on the internet he stumbled upon the Yoga for Regular Guys DVDs by Diamond Dallas Page.

He immediately connected with the style of yoga and spent the next ten months managing his fear and practicing as much yoga as possible.

He would ultimately lost 140 pounds and gain his yoga teacher certification. To record his progress his son Warren created a video “Never, Ever Give Up. Arthur's Inspirational Transformation!”

They uploaded Arthur’s story in 2012 and it went viral as one of the most inspirational videos that year. As of January 2017 over 13 million people watched Arthur’s transformation from an overweight veteran unable to walk unassisted to an active yogi and runner.

Recognizing how difficult his transformation was, Arthur mentioned in an interview that “a lot of people contact me looking for some magic pill to help them get motivated to lose weight but there is no such thing.”

As Walt Disney said “the way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing.”

Boorman waited over 15 years to change his life. What are you waiting for?

As you go about your day recognize that you can start to change your life anytime you are willing to ask, and consider answering the question: “how long will I wait to change my life?”

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