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Do you practice the traits of lucky people?

Michael Edmondson

Today is April 27 and the Navigate the Chaos question to consider is "How many traits of lucky people do you practice?"

Max Gunther (1927–1998) was an Anglo-American journalist and writer. He was the author of 26 books, including his investment best-seller, The Zurich Axioms.

Born in England, Gunther moved to the United States at age of 11 after his father, Franz Heinrich (Frank Henry) became the manager of the New York branch of a leading Swiss bank, Schweizerischer Bankverein (Swiss Bank Corporation or SBC).

Gunther graduated from Princeton University in 1949 and served in the United States Army from 1950 to 1951.

He worked at Business Week magazine from 1951 to 1955 and during the following two years he was the contributing editor for Time Magazine.

In one of his many publications Gunther explored the question 'why are some people lucky compare to others?'

Gunter identified five traits of lucky people:

  • The spider web structure: network with others

  • The hunching skill: believe that it is possible to perceive more than you see

  • The ‘audentes fortuna juvat’ (fortune favors the brave) phenomenon: the lucky life is a zigzag, not a straight line.

  • The ratchet effect: prevent bad luck from becoming worse luck.

  • The pessimism paradox: lucky people often cultivate hard, dark pessimism as an essential item of survival equipment.

Benjamin Franklin noted “diligence is the mother of good luck.”

One of the most common definitions of luck is the intersection of preparedness and opportunity. In other words, people who to take advantage of opportunities when they present themselves are creating their own luck.

Two examples of people who were diligent in creating their luck were producer Brian Grazer and photojournalist Clemens Kalischer.

After graduating from college in 1974, Grazer overheard a conversation between two men outside his apartment window one afternoon. One man was telling another how he had just quit a law clerk position for Peter Knecht at Warner Bros. Grazer needed a job that summer before he started USC Law School, so he found the phone number and called Knecht who invited him in for an interview the following day.

Knecht hired him and a year later Grazer quit law school to pursue a life in Hollywood. As a law clerk for Warner Bros. Grazer delivered contracts to Hollywood’s top executives and actors and started to have conversations about how television shows and movies were made.

As he explained in his 2015 publication A Curious Mind: The Secret to a Bigger Life, his curiosity allowed him to be prepared for the opportunity that presented itself. Grazer used his entry level position to meet experts in the movie and television business.

He also took the advice of American talent agent and studio executive Lew Wasserman who told him “Start manufacturing ideas. You don’t have enough money to buy anything, so take this pencil, put it on this paper, and get going.”

During this early part of his career Grazer first met Ron Howard and soon they became friends and eventually business partners when they founded Imagine Entertainment. Grazer made his own luck to launch and navigate his career by working hard in order to be prepared for the opportunities that presented themselves.

Noted photojournalist Clemens Kalischer launched his career in a similar fashion to that of Grazer.

Kalischer fled Germany in 1933 as the Nazis clinched power, surviving imprisonment in France, and escaping to the United States. His career as an accomplished photographer happened by pure accident. Upon arriving in the United States, and still acclimating himself to New York, having arrived speaking only French and German, Kalischer took a job as a copy boy at the New York bureau of Agence France-Presse.

His daily agenda consisted of getting coffee and figuring out the word counts of articles. Then one day in 1946 the news agency’s chief photographer was unavailable for an assignment, and an editor recruited Mr. Kalischer as a replacement.

With a borrowed Rolleiflex, he set out to record the arrival, at 4 a.m., of the former French luxury liner Normandie, which was being towed to a scrap yard. His editors in Paris were impressed with his photographs.

As Kalischer recalled “That’s when it first dawned on me, perhaps you’re now a photographer.” His series of photographs of displaced persons arriving in New York City from displaced persons camps in post-World War II Europe, taken in 1947 and 1948, was his most recognized work. He would go on to be one of the influential photographers of the 20th century be taking advantage of an opportunity merely by accident.

Both Grazer and Kalischer made their own luck by taking advantage of opportunities before them. How often do you?

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