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  • Michael Edmondson

Do you see the opportunity in every difficulty?

Today is September 6 and the Navigate the Chaos question to consider is “Do you see the opportunity in every difficulty?”

People who navigate the chaos deal with difficulty different than others. They realize that challenges are a part of life.

Instead of letting an obstacle stop their forward progress, they find the opportunity in every difficulty.

In 1919 by Bertram Carr who was the Mayor of Carlisle, England addressed “The Fifty-First Annual Co-operative Congress”, a gathering inspired by social reformers and the cooperative movement and said “The past history of an old walled city such as this leaves its legacy of ideas antiquated and out of date. These, as expressed in tangible form, are an embarrassment, and hinder the wheels of progress, but we view these, I hope, in the spirit of the optimist to whom every difficulty is an opportunity, and not as the pessimist, to whom every opportunity presents some difficulty.”

If you are having trouble finding opportunity in every difficulty you should assess your self-awareness to better understand why that is.

Your personal growth and professional development will only grow when you are able to leverage difficulties into opportunities.

What is stopping you from seeing the opportunity in every difficulty?

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